3 Surprising Reasons You Might Need Physical Therapy
Why You Might Need Physical Therapy Sooner Than You Think Most of us experience body pain at some point in our lives, some more frequently than others. For some of us, mild to moderate body pain can even become a normal part of our everyday lives, and calling a physical therapist seems a bit too […]

Do I Need A Chiropractor? – By Dr. Craig Fishel
Why Regular Chiropractic Evaluations Are Essential for Spinal Health The simple answer is to get evaluated and checked by a Chiropractor. The spine is the bodies protective covering of the spinal cord. The spine as a structure needs to have the ability to support gravity and resist the normal stress and strain that one’s lifestyle […]

Flu Prevention Plan Should Include Chiropractic
Chiropractic Care: A Vital Strategy for Boosting Immunity During Flu Season The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health issued a release on May 04, 2009 with the above headline urging people to include chiropractic during this most recent flu scare. “People of all ages are encouraged to add chiropractic to their strategy for warding […]

Boosting Your Immunity Through CHIROPRACTIC
Boosting Your Immunity Through CHIROPRACTIC In 1975, Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medical Institute and Professor of Medicine in Environmental Health at New York University, began developing scientifically valid ways to estimate individual susceptibility to… Pero and his colleagues found strong evidence that susceptibility to cancer could […]

Health Care VS Sickness care
Health Care VS Sickness care “Health care” is the largest expense U.S. businesses have today. The way most of Americans currently approach their health it is definitely an expense. The investments of today appreciate while the expenses will… “Health care” is the largest expense U.S. businesses have today. The way most of Americans currently approach their health it […]